Services Plugins FAQs

Data table plugin questions, order and sort

Does the data table plugin allow for displaying the columns of data in a particular order? I have a specific need to display data in a particular order, top to bottom:

I also do NOT want the users to have a column sort option. The order I present must not be altered. Is it possible to remove, or not display the sort arrows?

Other than displaying data from a database table, can anything be done to the data other than display? Can it be altered as it is retrieved? For instance, can I calculate values as they’re retrieved…year 2 values being 2% higher than year1?

Finally, can I disable the header row or customize it?

Hello, dear @chris.charette241
Thanks for using our plugin.

Unfortunately, but all mentioned modifications are not available using this plugin.

The DataTables plugin gives you the possibility to use data tables to display your Bubble database but does not allow you to perform various operations with this data.

Please check this documentation to investigate the structure and main features of the current plugin set up:

We apologize for this inconvenience.