Services Plugins FAQs

DataTable not loading data

Hi there-

I just purchased the DataTable plugin, and for the life of me I cannot get it show data despite reading the instructions 10 times. I must be missing something obvious.

A am starting with an extremely rudimentary example, simple bubble database called pets with fields dogname and catname. I cannot get any data to show in the data table and also in the upper left corner of the page preview appears strange characters “–>”.

Any pointers for how to properly get started would be appreciated. Attached are a few screens that seem to match the documentation.

Hello, @jbrosowsky. Thanks for reaching out.

Let me please check your issue. It might take some time, so please be awarned.
When there will be any update on your request, I let you know asap.

Thank you for understanding :pray:


I guess you have a “No data available in table” notification because there is no data (rows) in your table, except the columns. Please make sure that your table creation flow was as the following:

  1. Create a Table element, set the desired properties (qty of displayed rows, language, etc)
  2. Set the Workflow - When the page is loaded
  3. Create a Table in the Data section, which content you want to display
  4. Add an action - Add Table A
  5. Check the result -

Concerning the --> symbol, we have updated the plugin, now it should be gone. To see the changes, please update your pugin to the latest version.

Make sure you have the same settings. Could you please check and confirm?