Hi @abramyetman7, thanks for your inquiry.
If I understood it right, you are searching for guidance in template customization work.
In this case, if you would like to customize the template by yourself, that would require gaining some solid Bubble skills first.
Allow me to recommend our Zeroqode LAB website, there we have a lot of useful free and paid courses that should be helpful: Courses | Zeroqode Lab
Many of them, especially those that cover the no-code basic principles are free and will allow you to know more about Bubble platform functionality.
Also, useful information in this regard you may find here:
In case you would like to hire a third party for customization allow me to recommend two possible options:
In case your project requires only small adjustments to the template, I would recommend checking the Freelance section at the Bubble forum: Jobs / Freelance - Bubble Forum or check on UpWork or Fiverr for Bubble freelancer development offers.
If your project implies major changes to the template - please consider Zeroqode also. We provide Customization services both for our templates and from scratch as well.
More details about Zeroqode
We’re usually working on projects that start in the range of 8-12k USD to make sure we can deliver something both, we and our customers can be proud of 
Read more about how this works: https://dev.zeroqode.com
Some examples from our portfolio: Zeroqode No-Code App Portfolio
Our customers about working with us on Zeroqode Builds Web and Mobile Apps Without Code and Zeroqode Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of zeroqode.com
To get you the effort estimates we need to have the requirements about the project shared first.
If all of that looks good - please send us a request with the details of your project, and one of our managers will get back to you: Zeroqode Builds Web and Mobile Apps Without Code
Hope the provided hints will help. If any other support would be required on our products, please drop a message here.