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Display "Today" and "Tomorrow" in Air Date/Time Picker


Is it possible to conditionally display the text “Today” or “Tomorrow” in the Air Date/Time Picker when the user changes the date to either today’s date or tomorrow’s date? Would the placeholder text have to be used for this? I have the date picker auto-binding to a data field but I can find a workaround for that if this is the only way to accomplish this.

Hello @matt6,
Thank you for reaching out and for using Air Date/Time Picker Plugin.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to simultaneously work with “Today” or “Tomorrow” text and then substitute dates instead of text.
Once you select a date via the element or via conditionals, the placeholder remains invisible until the next refresh of the page.

In case you’d like initially to show the text “Today” as Placeholder on page load you can set this in the Plugin element. See the screenshot below:

For additional guidance please check the plugin demo editor page:

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We wish you a successful day.