Services Plugins FAQs

Docusign extended inquiry

Hi Zerocode team,
I would love to know if the Docusign extended plugin could work for my use case. I want my users to sign documents directly on my bubble app. I the admin will upload each of these documents and the selected users will be able to see them, read through it and sign it, then i would want to store the signed copy to my database. Would my users be required to have a Docusign Account in order to sign it? Would these be possible to achieve and if so point me in the right direction for me to start. Thanks

Hi @Edmond,
Thank you for reaching out.

It sounds achievable, everything depends on the use case logic that you would like to implement within your app.
To see the available actions and setup guidance, please use below plugin’s supporting information:

Also, if you would like, you can display the document inside the Bubble app via the iframe/HTML element and allow your customers to sign the document. Please note, that it is possible to sign the document only after your customer receives an email with the invitation to sign a doc. It is not possible to skip this email step, as per DocuSign’s official documentation.

If the document that you need to sign was sent via DocuSign, you do not need a DocuSign account to sign. Click the “Review Documents” hyperlink in the email and follow the easy prompts. You will have an option at the end to create a free signing account if you wish, but it is entirely optional.

Hope the above will be useful to you. :pray:
Please let me know if I can help with any other plugin-related questions.
Best regards,

Hi, thanks for the detailed feedback.
I would like to know how i can display the document inside bubble app via the iframe/HTML element and allow users to sign the document.

Hi @Edmond,
You are always welcome.

We do always provide guidance for the plugin setup and fixing the issues during the plugin usage. Unfortunately, you are asking for a custom build and that exceeds our responsibilities.
If you would like to build this feature yourself, I can suggest checking on other forum threads here or on the bubble.
Additional resources links:

Also, in case you would like to hire someone for such kind of work (to display the document inside the bubble app via the iframe/HTML element and allow users to sign the document.), I would recommend checking the Freelance section at the Bubble forum: or checking on UpWork or Fiverr for Bubble freelancer development offers.
Thank you for understanding. :pray:

Have a great weekend ahead.
Best regards,