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Docusign Extended Production - DocuSign send without auth ERROR

Hey there!
Hope you are doing great.

I’m having an issue running the bubble Docusign Extended Production plugin when I try to send a DocuSign without auth. The plugin has every key needed, the flow is correctly handled but when I expect the url signature, it cames empty. So I try to reach out to the error so I can continue debugging and it is empty as well, so, how should I continue with this? Because I do not know how to continue with this missing error or malfunction.

I know it has to be on production and it is. Tried everything using the docusing API through postman and worked properly, so, I do not know which is the error here or how to make this work.

Any thoughts?

Juan Ignacio Viglianco

Hey @juan.viglianco ,

Thanks for reaching out! :pray:

From what you’ve described, it sounds like the issue is related to the “Send without auth” action in the DocuSign Extended plugin. Based on the documentation, here are a few things to check:

  1. Check Your API Keys & Setup:
    Make sure you’re using the production keys (not sandbox) in your setup. This is a common issue because the signature URL will only work in production.
  2. Verify Data Sent to DocuSign:
    Double-check that you’re sending all the required fields to DocuSign. If any critical data is missing (like recipient details or document data), it could result in an empty url_signature.
  3. API Response & Error Handling:
    If you’re getting an empty error and url_signature, it might be that the request is being processed, but something is wrong with the data being sent. Check the logs in DocuSign’s dashboard to see if there are any hidden errors there. Sometimes, the API won’t explicitly return an error but will fail silently.
  4. Test in Production:
    Ensure your DocuSign account is live and using production credentials. This action only works properly in production, and sandbox mode might not return the expected signature URL.

If you’ve already checked all this and it’s still not working, feel free to share a bit more about how you’re setting it up, and we can take a deeper look. :sunflower:

Let me know if this helps or if there’s anything else I can assist with!

Best Regards,
Support Team
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Hey @mina.rotari

1 - I checked the API Keys and I event test it into the docusign API and worked properly.
2 - Recipient details I have used my own email and PDF documents. (Even though it should return an error if the file type or an error sending email is happenning)
3 - The DocuSign’s dashboard does not shows any log about it, not even a first call.
4 - And I’m testing it in prod, also purchased the other docusign plugin to test in development but got to the same point.

I followed every step in the zeroqode documentation to set this up properly. Don’t know what to show or what I can share about my client.

Juan Ignacio Viglianco.

Hi @juan.viglianco ,

Thanks for your reply and the detailed breakdown!

Based on your update, it seems like the issue is quite tricky, but we can try a few more steps to isolate the cause. Let’s go through some additional things that might help us figure this out:

  1. Double-check Signature URL Handling:
  • The URL signature you’re expecting will be returned only if the request is properly processed by DocuSign. Even though Postman works, the issue might be in how the plugin is handling the request and response. You can try to log the raw API request/response directly in Bubble or inspect the network requests in your browser’s dev tools to check if the URL is being passed correctly.
  1. Check for Timeout Issues:
  • In some cases, if there’s a delay in DocuSign’s response (due to a larger document or heavy processing), the response might not be returned immediately. Make sure that the plugin is set up to wait for the proper response and doesn’t time out before it receives the URL.
  1. Check Other API Requests:
  • If you’re using any other DocuSign actions or making additional API calls (e.g., sending an envelope or document), make sure those steps are successful before trying to retrieve the URL signature.

Additionally I recommend comparing your setup with our demo page here: DocuSign Demo. This might help identify any differences or missed steps in the setup.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, I’d recommend sharing the workflow configuration and the exact parameters you’re sending (just ensure to mask any sensitive data). This can help us pinpoint any potential configuration issues more effectively.

Let me know how it goes, and feel free to share any new findings! We’ll get this working for you.

Best regards,
Support Team
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