Services Plugins FAQs

Docusign plugin

I have problem using zeroqode DocuSign extended plugin
OAuth 2.0 is now needed by DocuSign to go live
New version 1.7.0 is not working.
Please help
I receive this error message from DocuSign “{\r\n “errorCode”: “AUTHORIZATION_INVALID_TOKEN”,\r\n “message”: “The access token provided is expired, revoked or malformed.”\r\n}”
I am using the secret code provided in my DocuSign development account

Hi @contacts, thanks for your message.

Kindly note that in order to work with DocuSign OAuth 2.0, it is required to start with a login action to the Docusign platform.
Please use the plugin Demo editor page for such setup reference: zeroqode-demo-12 | Bubble Editor

Hope it helps. Please let me know if the issue will persist, or any other plugin-related help is required.


Hi @Serg,
Thank you for your answer.
Ok for prior login to the DocuSign Platform.
The issue is that I can’t do it manually every time a client is signing a document, it is an automated document signing of a client.
How to login to the DocuSign Platform using the bubble workflow or your Plugin?
I think it is necessary to cover this in your Extended DocuSign Plugin …
Best regards.

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Hi @contacts, thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, the new authorization provided by the DocuSign platform provides only the possibility of a manual login.
On plugin side we initialize the authorization, system do a redirect to the authorization site (through their popup) and after a successful authorization, redirects back to the page.
OAuth 2.0 requirements and migration | DocuSign (Getting User Information)

Sorry for not much help from our side. Please let me know if I can help with anything else related to our plugin.