Services Plugins FAQs

Does not work Drag & Drop to Reorder RG

Good afternoon.

I purchased the plugin.

I placed a repeating group on the page, placed a plugin element, and filled id.

Drag and drop doesn’t work, I just can’t grab and drag an element.
How to fix it?

Hello @igordodonov04,
Thank you for your message and purchase :slightly_smiling_face:

Would it be convenient for you to provide more details regarding your use case?

Namely, screenshots and screencasts of your workflow setup, plugin element, the issue you see, and the expected result, for screencast recording I can suggest using the Loom tool.

Please record a video in step-by-step mode with the browser’s console enabled, in case there are any error messages there, and share a link with us so we can understand better your use case.

These details will help us reproduce your setup on our side and look into it.

Thank you once again and looking forward to your reply. :pray:
All the best,
Take care!


Let’s do this.

Can you write me step-by-step instructions on what I need to do to make sorting work for a repeating group with your plugin?

I couldn’t find any specific guidance on what to do. Maybe I did something wrong.

Can you help me with this?

Hello @igordodonov04,
Thank you for your message, I’ll be glad to help you :slightly_smiling_face:

At the moment I can recommend you to check our demo page and editor we have there 5 presets that you can inspect in Step-by-step mode and replicate the setup on your own app.

For further assistance, i will need to have a better understanding of your use case, which means screenshots and screencasts of your workflow setup, plugin element, the issue you see, and the expected result, for screencast recording I can suggest using the Loom tool.

Please record a video in step-by-step mode with the browser’s console enabled, in case there are any error messages there, and share a link with us so we can understand better your use case.

For any plugin-related questions feel free to reach out at any time :pray:
Best regards

I managed to do it on the demo page.

But this is one problem:

If I use sort without writing the sort index to the database, then everything works well. Video:

But if I enable the sort index change entry to the database, the items start jumping around. Video:

Screenshot of item setup and workflow:

How to solve the problem with “jumping”?

Thank you in advance!

Hey @igordodonov04,

I appreciate your response and the additional videos. It’s great to hear that you were able to successfully integrate it! :blush:

When it comes to sorting items in your database, I suggest adding a brief pause between workflow steps and possibly adding an animation to prevent any flickering. You can also run actions in Step-by-Step mode to ensure the workflow executes smoothly.

If you need to rearrange cells within the Repeating group on your page without modifying the database, it will result in quicker performance.

Additionally, please keep in mind that the app might run slower on the test version compared to the live version, which could lead to some delays when modifying the database.

I encourage you to explore this plugin further, as it offers extensive functionality that can cater to various use cases.

If you have any more questions or need assistance with anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Best regards,

I don’t understand what you mean about adding a pause or animation. Could you explain in more detail?

Whatever I do, the flickering of the elements remains.

Can you give a specific example in my case, what needs to be changed to prevent elements from flickering?

Hello, Please answer me. If I can’t fix the element’s flickering, then your plugin doesn’t make sense. Because it looks very bad for the user.

Hello @igordodonov04 ,
Thank you for your patience and sorry for the delayed reply over the weekend.

We took into consideration all the feedback you’ve provided and our dev team is working diligently to investigate and find the source of this problem. Rest assured once I will have any updates from them I will get back to you.

Once again your patience and understanding are highly appreciated :pray:
Best regards

Thanks for your reply. It is very important for me. I’m waiting for your decision.

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Please tell me when I can get help with your product?
I was planning to buy a few more of your products and make a native mobile application using your setup, but your support is very strange and I have not been able to solve my problem for several days.

Hello @igordodonov04,
I understand your frustration and that your time is valuable.

At the moment our dev team is still trying to change the way that draggable element interacts with the database. The flickering occurs due to the necessity of a refresh action to visually display the changes made in the database after dragging an element.

We’re aware of how this can impact your workflow, and our development team is actively working on a solution. Our aim is to eliminate the need for this refresh step, enhancing the overall functionality and user experience and getting rid of the flickering effect.

Please rest assured that we are dedicating our resources to address this as efficiently as possible. I will personally keep you updated with any progress or developments. Your patience and understanding during this period are greatly appreciated.

In the meantime, we will need more details to be able to help you better with your issue and solve it faster. This means screenshots and screencasts of your workflow setup, and plugin element, and especially about your database and sorting, for screencast recording, I can suggest using the Loom tool.

Please record a video in step-by-step mode with the browser’s console enabled so that we can see all the actions involved.

Once again thank you for your patience and understanding, we are here to help and are working intensely.
Best regards,

Ok, if I give the ability to view the control panel and database, will that help?

Hello @igordodonov04 ,
Thank you for your prompt reply and feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

After conducting their investigation our dev team located the bug that is causing the issue on the current version of the Drag&Drop plugin, and we are sorry for the inconvenience it brought to you.

Our dev team is working on solving this situation, and the fix will be ready very soon, by the end of this week/beginning of the next. As soon as I hear back from them I will be sure to get back to you.

Thank you for your willingness to cooperate and patience while we work through fixing this.
Best regards,

This is great news!!! Thank you for your participation. I’m looking forward to it.

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Hello @igordodonov04 ,
We sincerely apologize for the delay in our latest update. :pray:

Due to these unpredictable challenges, our devs will need more time to get to the root of this issue.
We are prioritizing your case to get a fix and update you on this as soon as possible.

Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated during this time. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your understanding and trust.
Have a nice weekend ahead!

Thanks for keeping me updated.
I’m waiting for the issue to be resolved.

Hello @igordodonov04,
I hope this message finds you well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Our development team tried several solutions to change the way that draggable element interacts with the database. But unfortunately, the problem stems from the way Bubble operates.

Specifically, when the draggable element interacts with the database by using sorting, it’s necessary to write the value (by which objects are sorted) to the database, while Bubble always updates the DOM(Document Object Model) before writing data and the dragged element returns for a short time to its original position, leading to the “jumping” behavior you’ve observed.

Sorry for not being able to help with this and hope for your understanding. :pray:
Best regards.