Services Plugins FAQs

Doesn't Seem to Work - Google Sheets Serv Account Plugin Protected Ranges

Hi all,

I’m using the Google Sheets Service Account plugin, and most all of the actions seem to work as expected. However, I’m having trouble with the Add a Protected Range action.

You’re supposed to enter the spreadsheet ID, sheetID, row and column start and end index.
While this is a bit confusing since there’s no documentation for the plugin for this, I was able to read the Google Sheets API here for the POST call and see how to set it up.

I’m now certain that I’m setting up everything correctly, and the POST request goes through when the action works in the workflow. However, when I go to check the sheet, I find the cells still completely unprotected.

Can someone please assist?

Annotation 2020-06-02 094922


Through trial and error, it appears the protected range is being set; however, only when “Warning Only” is set to true. When Warning Only is set to false, nothing is happening. I am still able to edit the cells that are in the range.

I can confirm the rest of the process is working, since it works well for the Warning On scenario. But I need the warning to be false and still work.

Hello, @davidjsap. Thanks for reaching out.

There is a documentation on Google Sheets & Charts (Service) Plugin:

Truly, there is no detailed description on how to Add Protected Range in it. I suppose this reference can be useful for you:

Also, we have a Google Sheets Data Management Introduction Course. It might be useful for you too:

I hope it helps :pray: