Services Plugins FAQs

Drag & Drop reorder not working

Hi Guys!

I’m using the plugin exactly as you show on demo, but whenever i use the action “New Sort Item”, the value comes empty. Are you still updating this plugin?

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Hi @ricardo2,
Thanks for reaching out!

I have conducted thorough testing of the plugin, and it appears to be functioning properly on our end. In order to assist you further, I kindly request you to review the following steps and ensure that everything is configured correctly on your side.

First of all, please make sure to create a new data type called “Order” (number) in your database table. It is obligatory needed for saving changes in the repeating group (the element’s order, when you change it), using the event “Item Moved” and for making it possible to sort the RG’s order via the plugin element.

To make it possible for the plugin to understand which changes to save, you need to assign a serial number to each cell (each section) and save it in the database. (1,2,3… so on)

As for the repeating group setup, specifically, the Data Source: after adding the Order table, you need to change the “sort by” parameter to “Order”, and set “Descending” to “no”. Example from our demo - Lightshot — screenshot tool for Mac & Win for the plugin element setup, please make sure you have set the correct settings of the “Things” and “Sort data” fields. They should correspond to the “Order” table. Screenshot by Lightshot

And, the “Item moved” event setup. Please note that using the “make changes” action, you have to make changes to the database table, in the Order column. Like, for changing the position of the element inside the repeating group, the “Item moved” action locates which element was moved (by tracking its Order value/unique ID) and makes changes to the Order column, registering a new order to the element.

Please see the correct setup of the “make changes” action for the “Item moved” event -Screenshot by Lightshot

Hope that helps. In case the issue persists, please share a video recording showing your setup. :pray:

Best regards,

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Hello- I have purchased the Drag & Drop Reorder RG plugin and am working on implementing to sort user profile images, and to select the user’s “featured photo” as the first photo in the sort order.

Currently my database structure contains a Users table and an associated User-Images table which contains a List of Images which references the Users table by Creator.

Is it possible to control the sort of the List of Images with this plugin? I haven’t been able to get it to work. Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Hello, @obtrectation :wave:

The plugin works with the list of images indeed. But it won’t be possible to adjust it to your use case. Why:
the record that contains the list of images has a single unique ID. And if you want to save the order of the image after sorting,

you will have to use this image’s unique ID. But, since an image as a part of the record which data type is a list of images can not have its unique ID - your use case is impossible to achieve.


  1. repeating group’s setup

  2. database setup

  3. the unique ID belongs to the record that contains the list of images the user can upload and sort.

  4. suggestion: use the image data type instead of the list of images. this way each image can have its unique ID and you can save the “featured photo”/order to the database.

Hope it helps!