Services Plugins FAQs

Drag & Drop Reorder Repeating Group Plugin (Refresh Bug)

This plugin has stopped working with the refresh.
I set it with reference to your demo. It worked until last week.
However, I think the refresh function is not working now.



I’m looking for a solution

Hi @takeuchi, thanks for your message.
In addition to already provided screenshots, please specify your responsive setup (old or new responsive engine) and share a screencast with the reported use case flow along with the each used action setup.
It will allow us to identify any issue much faster.

Looking forward to your reply.

→new responsive engine

Please specify any other necessary parts.

Hi @takeuchi,

Please provide the following:

  1. Video screencast of the use case (how it works now).
  2. Screenshots from the browser console while the use case is ongoing.
  3. Screenshots from the bubble debugger while the use case is ongoing.

Looking forward to your reply.


Hi @takeuchi, thanks for your patience.

We have pushed a plugin update, that has fixed the issue related to the reorder RG action.

To check changes, please upgrade your plugin to the latest version (Version 1.7.0.: fixed “reorder rg” action) and give it a try.

In case the issue will persist even after a plugin update or if any other help would be required, please drop a message and share more setup and use case details.
