Services Plugins FAQs

Drag & Drop to Reorder RG

Hello. I’m trying out the Drag & Drop to Reorder RG plugin. I’m having trouble understanding how to save and then later use the manual sort order.

  1. I understand I need a number field for the sort index on my data type that needs sorting.
  2. I understand that I need to trigger a workflow when an item is dragged so the sort index is updated in the database.

What I don’t understand is:

  1. What is the source for my repeating group?
  2. Do I use that same source in the plugin’s Things field?
  3. When new items appear from the search, do I have to initialize the sort index field?

I’ve dug into your demo and discovered that after many sorts, more than one list item could end up with the same sort index! Can you please explain this? If I will have many items in the list, is this a reliable method for sorting over time?

I like the plugin so far and I want it to work for me, but I need some assistance. Thank you.

In fact, after enough further sorts (and not too many), all four items had the same sort order. At this time, if I tried to sort again, the item would just snap back and not sort. If I did a different sort, for example from the bottom to the top, then that item finally had a different number and it started to work again.

I don’t feel like this method allows for enough precision to be viable over time, especially with many items (as in a to-do list). Can you please comment on this?

Hi @ken1, thanks for reaching out and for your questions.

Yes, this is a reliable method, because in fact all numbers are different, on table view they are rounded, but in thing view you can see the whole and precise number:

In case you would like to set a to do list, allow me to recommend using the example of To Do list from our demo page:


Please elaborate a bit on this matter. Sometimes, when elements are freshly added and the order field is empty, you need to add an initial order that will be later modified.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there are any other plugin-related questions that I can help with.
