Services Plugins FAQs

Easy File Downloader Error

I’m getting this error while trying to use the EFD, downloading files still seem to work.

The plugin Easy File Downloader / element File Downloader threw the following error: TypeError: Cannot redefine property: chunk_inefficient at Function.defineProperty (<anonymous>) at eval (eval at m.create_code (, <anonymous>:3:8) (please report this to the plugin author)

It does not work all places, if I try to download the same files on a profile page, It does not start downloading, when I go to the URL then, this comes up:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.



<Message>Access Denied</Message>






If the file is private, make sure that on every page you are logged in with the same user.
but also if you give us access to your app we’d check it out for you.

Ah, I think I figured out why it was blocked, the RG had a constraint to show posts by only one user. Somehow this interfered, even though it was from the same person and same post. Privacy roles are weird like that sometimes.

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Hey Marcus, glad you figured it out