Services Plugins FAQs

Editable Data Table like Excel - not working

Having trouble getting the Editable Data Table like Excel plugin to work. Can I get support to look at my setup?

Hi, @sjohnston!

Thank you for reaching out!

Please be sure that you followed our instructions. Here are the instructions how to make the plugin work:

  1. Go to your app settings

  2. Go to API tab and enable option “This app exposes a Data API”

  3. Choose a data table which you’ll use in Editable Grid

  4. Go to Data > Privacy and choose fields which will be displayed in your grid

  5. Go to Editable Grid settings and set your Data Type, columns and fields Unique ID which you want to display in Grid ( NOTICE! Columns name should be same as they’re in Database, upper and lower case should be respected )

Also could you please provide more details regarding plugin settings that you set, e.g. screenshots of the workflow/setup, console.logs to help you better.

Regards, Julia!

Here are screenshots of my setup:

Hi, @sjohnston!

Thanks for provided details. We’ve tried to replicate this setup and unfortunately, the issue is not reproducing on our side, by setting same setup as yours.

Data Privacy:

Grid Element Proprieties:

Can you please be sure that you have actual data added in Database:

Data-> App Data:

The result :

Could you please provide preview results of the Grid that you’ve got and console.logs to help you better.

Regards, Julia!