Services Plugins FAQs

Encrypt Decrypt Plugin - auto decrypt for user?

Found this plugin and think it can accomplish exactly what I want, but I was wondering if there was a known method to have the decryption key be somehow tied to the user.
I can set or have them set a key value, but that either has to be encrypted and stored, or they’d need to enter the key each time on the site to view the data… Ideally it could be tied to them being logged in or something…
Just looking for a bit of guidance if this is solvable.

Hi, @troy.gasnier! Thanks for reaching out.
Please accept my apologies for the late reply. :pray:

Your request is under investigation. Let us please check it with our dev team. It might take some more time.

Thank you for understanding and patience! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello @troy.gasnier, thank you for your patience.

After checking with the Dev team regarding your request to tied the decryption key to the user. You can surely use the plugin for your case, basically, you will need to create a database where you can store the user info and the encrypted key. Afterward, you can set a workflow so the information would be retrieved and decrypted from the database and shown to the user when logged in.

Hope this helps.
Let me know if there is anything else we can assist you with. :slightly_smiling_face: