Services Plugins FAQs

File Uploads - Uploadecare - Bug

I have set the custom state to be the Group UUID

However if I upload multiple files it does not return the group UUID, You can see in the screen shot it is empty. It works for a single file upload. For a multi file upload it should give the group but im not.

Hello, @adam2
Thanks for your request.

First of all, can you please specify, which plugin you are using for this case?
We have a few plugins, which are using the Uploadcare base. In case you are speaking about the Advanced Multi Uploader plugin, please carefully check the Demo Page and documentation for this storage:

Looking to hear you soon.
Best regards,

My apologies - the plugin is File uploads + Video Capture | Plugin for Bubble by Zeroqode

Hello, @adam2
Thanks for the clarification.

In order to check your issue, please let me know the next points:

  1. Please let me know the flow, which you trying to implement ( the purpose of the UUID).
  2. Have you marked this checkbox?

Once the upload is finished, the plugin returns a state with the URL of the uploaded file.
You can customize the look and feel of the widget from your Uploadcare dashboard - for example, you can configure it to only show the camera capture option.

Please make sure that you have checked the Demo settings, from the Demo page:

Looking to hear you soon.
Best regards,