I have a hair salon with a number of stylists.
Can i set up the calendar to work with more that one person/stylist.
For example: choose service and the calendar shows which stylists are available t do the service etc.?
Hi @tino, thanks for your question.
Yes, that could be implemented. For a better UX you can use the “resourceTimelineWeek” or “resourceTimelineDay”, and create as many stylists as it is required, being able to see who is (not) busy.
In the case of the Live Demo page example, these are rooms:
For setup reference, please use our plugin:
- Live Demo page https://seanhootsdemopro.bubbleapps.io/calendar_demo
*Demo Editor page Seanhootsdemopro | Bubble Editor
Create a corresponding datatype:
And indicate them in Appointment data type:
Hope the provided guidance helps. In case any other plugin related questions will appear, please let me know
Thanks for the reply - I’ll start to give it a go.
Are there people who can help set the calendar up for me?
Thanks again
I would recommend posting a customization request on the Freelance section at the Bubble forum: Jobs / Freelance - Bubble Forum as it will be shown to the biggest Bubble freelance community.
Also, you can check on UpWork or Fiverr for Bubble for freelancer development offers that might fit your project requirements.