Hi there,
Using the Full OpenAI GPT-4 Plugin to see if perhaps you guys solved the issue of connecting private files to openAI.
I have been struggling with the issue of connecting private files to openAI assistant for a couple of months already.
Getting the file in can be done two ways:
(1). appending the bubble filepath with a bubble api token (very insecure to expose the key like this)
(2). using a seperate S3 and transferring the file to openAi by (1.) requesting a pre-signed url and (2.) post the file based on this url.
The issue in both cases is that the fileType is not recognised (400 error) as the pre mime type identification at openAI just looks at the final â.xyzâ for the extentiontype. If it is not .pdf or another supported formated the file cannot be connected to a vectorStore.
Which combination of plugins (or solution within a plugin) helps with this issue?