Services Plugins FAQs

Fuzzy Search Causing Significant Slowdown with large dataset (7500 entries)

I have a list of 7500 items am seeing a significant slowdown which is caused by fuzzy search. If I remove that element,the page speeds up. I have a recording of the behavior, but the forum won’t let me post a link from clickup.

The time between the console messages for The database is loaded and Dictionary Populated seems to be the issue. Between those console logs, the page freezes.

Is this expected and does it mean I can’t use this plugin on large data sets? 7500 isn’t very large for our purposes.


Hello @dave3,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Could you please specify which of our fuzzy search plugins you are referring to, as we offer two versions? Regarding the recording, you might have encountered some temporary security restrictions on the forum. You should be able to share the link after a short period. Alternatively, feel free to write us directly at

The ZQ Fuzzy Search plugins are working with a big volume of information, but they might be limited to the capacity of the Bubble itself. Processing more than 7500 entries is quite an extensive amount and is difficult for Bubble to process.

The plugins perform optimally with simpler datasets, as each record from your data source is loaded. For larger datasets, you might consider using external storage solutions like AWS or other popular services, which can integrate smoothly with Bubble. Server capacity might also be a factor; upgrading your Bubble plan could provide enhancements.

Additionally, you might consider other plugins such as the Algolia Search plugin, which offers faster performance and greater capabilities for managing large data sets.

Thank you again, and I look forward to any further questions you might have.

Best regards,

Thanks for the reply. Right now, we are using the free version. However, it sounds like neither version will support the size data sets we will have. So, we will have to go a different route.


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Hello @dave3,

Thank you for your message.

You can always subscribe to and test out the plugins, incurring charges only for the days you use them (e.g., $5/31 = $0.16 per day). This approach will help you determine if a plugin suits your needs. Both the Fuzzy Search Pro and Algolia plugins are highly performant and can help you work faster with larger datasets.

If you have any questions about either of the plugins, please let us know.

Thank you again, and I wish you a great day ahead!

Best regards,