Hello I am using the QR code generator but it is not working. It worked before but not with latest version. I am receiving the blow error screenshot… Also is a screenshot of our setup.
I also tried generating a code with simply the word “Test” in the text, and it throws the same error.
I’ve just checked the test version, everything works there. Could you show me the Steps 3 - 5, may be there’s something there. Possible, one of the steps returns “undefined” value.
Hello @olga.medvedeva thanks for respondin. See this below video link for steps 3-5.
Even when the Create QR function is not tied to any data from the previous steps. It throws this error. (Like even with just the word “test” as text)
Thank you for the video, I wish it was like 5 seconds longer to show the actual error message.
Could you add support@zeroqode.com as a collaborator to see the app from the inside?
Kind regards,
Sure, I added you as a collaborator. I will show the error.
Here is a video showing the full implementation and error
Thank you for the video. I looked into the app to verify the settings, but I couldn’t reproduce the bug because of the multiple console errors. May be you’ve updated the app since yesterday.
Here’s what I see:
Could you verify your app please and I’ll give it one more run.
Kind regards,
Hello Olga thanks for taking a look. The application is localized and will load different products depending on location. And since you are overseas, Its showing a different set.
I updated the application now to avoid localization manually
Please log out and log back in and you should see events. Click the event and click add ticket like so. See video
Thank you for adjusting the app! We’ve just taken a look and played around with the GenereateBarcode element. We’ve placed it outside of the group Event Details and it helped:
Please take a look.
Kind regards,
Hello Olga thanks for your attention. Im a bit confused. Where did you place the barcode generator outside of “Event Details”. Because i see its there in the group “Event Tickets” which is in “Event Details”. Also when I deploy to production and run it I am getting the same error:
Thank you for the video! I’ve checked your app, and the element was in the Event Tickets group indeed. I’ve fixed it, GenerateQR should be on index to work properly. Also, I’ve added an image to the Event Tickets that takes generated QR code image and displays it.
Please give it a run!
Kind regards,