Services Plugins FAQs

Getting SSL certificate error when generating file

Hi all,

I’m very new to Bubble and hitting an error that I cannot figure out. I have a workflow to generated a pdf file using PDF Conjurer plugin. Result of this plugin I pass into the EZ File Uploader plugin to generate a link.
When my workflow is being executed I can see PDF step completed, and then EZ Uploader step in Running state

I’ve checked that my app app.uklandlordstax has a valid certificate.

I’m using this configuration for the EZ action:

Any ideas how can I fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Couldn’t attach screenshot to the original post.

Here they are:


Hello @elvin.mootoosamy,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Based on your message and the image you provided, I understand that you are initially generating a PDF file successfully with PDF Conjurer plugin and then uploading it using the Base64 File Uploader & Downloader Plugin. Could you please confirm if this is indeed the plugin you are using? Additionally, your logs indicate a “remote server SSL certificate has expired.” Please let me know if my understanding is correct.

From the image, the plugin’s action of uploading the file seems to function correctly, and you are receiving the file link. However, if you are experiencing issue with the SSL certification, please consider following steps to troubleshoot it:

  • Ensure that your SSL certificate is properly installed and configured on your server. Confirm that the certificate files are correctly placed and that the server is correctly referencing them.
  • Verify that your server’s SSL configuration is correct. Ensure that the SSL protocols and cipher suites are up to date and compatible with modern web browsers.
  • If the issue persists, I recommend contacting support. They can help diagnose the problem and provide guidance on resolving the SSL connection error.

Could you please try these steps and let us know if they help resolve the issue?

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,