Services Plugins FAQs

Google calendar offline plugin invalid format

Hi @michael.schmid,

Thanks for reaching out!

The error you get refers to the fact that this field is mandatory to be filled. Here:

You can also find it in Google Api Docs. So, you need to fill out the attendee_email field.

In case any additional questions will appear, please let me know.


@Gulce thanks for your answer. But as far as I can see in the Google doc, the attendee_email field is not mandatory as I am not adding an attendee (same with creating a new event where I don’t add an attendee email as well and it works just fine)

I just tried it with the same data on the Google API page and left the attendee_email empty and it worked just fine. The only mandatory field I had to fill for the update event action was cal_id, event_id, datetime start and datetime end.

Can you please check again on the plugin side?

Hi @michael.schmid,

I’ve passed this to the developer team, and I’ll get back to you once I have any news.

In case you have any other questions, please let me know.
Thank you for understanding. :pray:t2:


Hi @michael.schmid,

We’ve updated the plugin and added a new call without the attendee_email field. Here:

Kindly ask you to upgrade your plugin to the latest version (1.37.0) and give it a try. Thank you so much for your patience!

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.


Thanks for the quick support, it is working perfectly now :smile:

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Always welcome! @michael.schmid

Please feel free to reach us any time you have any questions. :slightly_smiling_face:
