Services Plugins FAQs

Google Calendar Tutorial Needed

Hi, I just purchased (subscribed to) the Google calendar offline plugin… I’m struggling to get any events into the calendar I have on bubble. Is there any sort of tutorial for that plugin?


Mainly, I’m just wondering where to start…


Hey Jordan, I suggest you to take a look at this sample configuration of google sheets which should help you with setting the google calendar plugun in your own app.

however if you are still puzzled please let us know and we’ll try to create a sample specifically for calendar plugin.

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Thanks so much for this – to be honest I’m still pretty puzzled. I do get how to setup the workflows, etc… Just confused (there are so many calendar options to choose from (as illustrated in my screenshot above), not sure which to pick…

Are all of these fields required?


If so, is there any documentation I can reference to know what to put in each?

Thanks! Sorry to waste your time on a non-coder like me, but if I can have success with this, I’ll be a lifelong subscriber and will surely utilize some of your other plugins :wink:

Thank you for this post. We will have the demo with step by steps ready by Monday. Once completed we will share it here.
Zeroqode team

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Thanks very much! I look forward to seeing it.

Let me introduce the demo page for this plugin, where we did our best to apply as much as possible.
Looking forward to hear your comments, about possible improvements :slight_smile:

Hi there,
I tried the same parameters that are in but I could not succeed. I could login google calendar and give permissions but even the dropbox does not show the list of calendars.
If I know the calendar id and use it in the full calendar´s datasource path it shows the regular events of this calendar. But the recurring ones doesn´t.
I hope you can send me more information. I found this course in your plataform called Smart Calendar Booking System Course. But it worth pay it if I could make things work.
Thanks in advance for your attention.

I´m talking with bubble team when I refer to “you”. But I´ll be glad if anyone else can say how to handle this issue. Regards!

Hi @ambacellar,

Thanks for reaching out. Could you please share a bit more details from your side, like what exactly is not working on preview. Are you receiving any errors in the console logs of your browser?

Please share the exact steps to reproduce, so we can check on it in our side as well. :pray:


Hi @alexandru Alexander,
I´m using a button to call google calendar.

When I click this button, bubble can login in google calendar.

But the calendar doesn´t show any information. This is the configuration in bubble

Not even a repeating group shows the List of calendar

 The chrome console show erros (I can send you the full log privately cause I don´t know if there is sensitive information):

14:52:26.331 x12:6 page is loaded after 0.43 seconds
14:52:26.957 /version-test/apiservice/doapicallfromserver:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
14:52:26.971 x12:6 Element Calendario google - data_source The service Google Calendar - Retrieve Calendar Events just returned an error (HTTP 404). Please contact the plugin author directly for feedback. Raw error:

"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "notFound",
"message": "Not Found"
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found"

a.log @ x12:6
14:52:29.344 x12:6
14:52:29.344 x12:6 This web application is entirely built without code on Bubble
14:52:29.344 x12:6
14:52:29.344 x12:6 Visit to build your own apps
14:53:22.812 x12:4 XHR finished loading: POST "https://app

And at the end:

I really appreciate your attention.

All the best,

Hi @ambacellar,

Thanks for feedback. Please let us investigate this one then get back asap!


Hi @ambacellar,

This error appears when the calendar ID perhaps isn’t the correct one. Could you please check that all the settings are right, and if you do have calendar events in your own Google Calendar account.

If the issue still persists, we’ll take a look into your app!


Hi Alexander,

You are right. I just rewrite the same calendar ID and it is working.
But notice that I´ve manually informed the calendar ID because bubble cannot retrieve the list of calendars in order to let user select which one we wants to display.
I know the Id of my calendars but not the users calendar´s IDs.
I tried to read calendars using a dropdown and with a repeating group.
Here is the RG:

Here is the dropdown:

Thanks again for your attention.

Hi @ambacellar,

Thanks for feedback. It is required to use the right app setups on your side, and you will be able to use the calendar from a dropdown element, thus, the appropriate events will be updated.

I can recommend you check this demo page, and try to replicate the same setups on your side. Because we are using a dropdown element as well and everything is running smoothly.

Hint: use a state.

Let me know how it goes.


Amigo você conseguiu resolver estou tendo o mesmo problema, não consigo o CALENDAR traga os eventos.

Agradeço muito a ajuda que puder, a página que o @alexandru menciona só tem integração com o plugin google calendar service.

Hello @joao.santana.macrosa ,
Thank you for reaching out to us. :slightly_smiling_face:

Kindly note that the Zeroqode Support team communicates only in English, to make sure that we understand each other please refer to sending future messages accordingly. :pray:

Amigo você conseguiu resolver estou tendo o mesmo problema, não consigo o CALENDAR traga os eventos.

Would it be convenient for you to provide more details regarding your use case?

-Screenshots/Video recordings of the issue you see and the plugin element’s configuration.
-Workflows associated with the plugin.
-Any additional details you believe are important for us to replicate and understand your use case.

Looking forward to your reply.
Have a nice day! :sunny: