Services Plugins FAQs

Google Drive - Get Folder Childrens - return a list of files contained in current folder

Dear Ecaterina:

Thank you - I will go over it again.

Much appreciated for the help.

I made a comment re the Google Drive Drive Uploader on another thread. I need to use at least three instances on a page - is it now possible to do this?

I also note that I can only pull up a file by title - but I need to pull up a file by file ID. Is that possible?

Hello, @askanatty
We are always happy to help you.

Yes, please note that we have upgraded the plugin and now you will have the possibility to use more than 1 element on the page.
Please make sure that you will configure each of them correctly.

You should upgrade the plugin to the last version (1.10.0) and give it a try :pray:

I’m afraid that you should make a search by the file title, but not ID.

Hope it will help you.
Best regards,

Dear Ecaterina:

Much appreciated. I am exploring the changes now.

Would appreciate if perhaps pulling up a file/folder by file/folder ID could be programmed into the generate sort query.

The ability to pull up an exact file is needed for example when I want to save a file to a particular folder for a specific customer. Each customer has he or her own folder which is created in a separate workflow. I need to identify that folder and then call it in other workflows again and again. Right now, we can only search by title and that can mean pulling up the wrong file/folder.

Is it perhaps very hard to do?

Hello, @askanatty

Please note that the plugin functionality depends on the Google Drive service. Currently, the platform doesn’t provide the possibility to search by ID dynamically.
It meant that you can search only by the concrete ID ( which should be equal or not equal a specific ID), which should be set here:

Also, please find the screen from the official documentation with these details:

I’m afraid that your request is not possible now. Sorry for that :pray:
In case I can help you with any additional information - let me know.

Best regards,

Thank you so much for the information!

I really appreciate this, and will try to experiment a little further.

Much appreciated!



You are always welcome!

Best regards,