Services Plugins FAQs

Google Gauge Charts

Would it be possible to add the Gauge chart type to the Google Charts plugin?

(Or is it already possible to achieve this using the Google Sheets with Charts plugin?)

Hello, @flip!

Thanks for reaching out and for your interest in our products!

Currently, the “Google Charts” plugin doesn’t have this chart type. Thank you for your question, we will investigate a possibility to improve the plugin with this option. :slight_smile:

Let me please also suggest you take a look at our other plugin - “Liquid Gauges”, which allows to beautifully visualize percentage progress in the user’s app. It may prove useful for you. The Demo version of the plugin is here.

If you already use the “Google Sheets with Charts” please note, that you can achieve adding the Gauge chart for example, just if you Create a New Spreadsheet. Please test the Demo version of the plugin. You need to log in with Google and for example, create a new sheet only. And then in the sheet, you can add any type of chart:

Please let us know if you have any other questions.
