Hello @turanor,
Thank you for your reply and provided feedback.
In order to increase the usability of the plugin, we will add more information to the plugin description in nearest future
Most of the workflows presented on the plugin demo page are intended to show the plugin’s multiple functionalities. Considering that they are only for demonstration purposes, it means that it is not required to recreate all of them on your app.
Coming back to your question, you may build your workflow, basing on the custom states & actions, described on the plugin page: https://docs.zeroqode.com/plugins/voice-recognition-with-actions-for-bubble-apps-plugin
For example, a new workflow may start with the following: https://prnt.sc/xyuc7w
You also may copy a certain workflow, and paste it on your app, to reproduce/modify the action it may do, for example:
Hope it helps.