Services Plugins FAQs

How to add SCA to Create Subscripton workflow (with Stripe Marketplace Express)

I am using the Stripe Marketplace Express plugin.
I am subscribing users to a subscription with “Create Subscription”. This works good, but now I realized that I also have to add a SCA verification to the process for some users (EU).

How can I add SCA to this workflow? I added the SCA element but I don’t know where to get the session ID from?
If I have to create a session does it mean I cannot use the “Create Subscription” workflow element anymore?

Hi @norman, thanks for your questions.
Please find the answers below:

Session ID results from “Create a subscription” action, see an example:


Both “Create subscription” and “Create a session” action can be used, just be sure that if you use the “Create a session” action, you do a corresponding setup

Additional guidance you can find in plugin’s:

Hope the provided hints will help. If there will be any other plugin-related questions that I can help with, please let me know.


@Serg Great, that’s comfortable!
Can you also explain me how I can test the SCA checkout?
Is it actually possible in test-mode with a Stripe test card? How are you checking that it is working?

@Serg I got this error. What does it mean?

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-02 um 11.16.32

This is the new workflow wit SCA

Apologies for initially misguiding you, regretfully, the SCA element by now works only with the “Create a session” action, so it is required to use only this one (just be sure to indicate “subscription” in the “Mode” field and all other fields required, see workflow example in demo page).

During the app development, please use the dev API keys on plugin setup, and correspondingly, test functionality by using test Stripe cards: Testing | Stripe Documentation
All (test) financial operations statistics you can find available in your Stripe dashboard, within the section that is created for your project (be sure to set it to test mode).

Please let me know if there are any other questions.


@Serg Oh I see. But than I cannot submit the credit cards card_id that i created with a token. I will test it.

@Serg I built the workflow wit “Session” and “SCA” now I am getting this error.

Session and SCA

@norman Would it be convenient for you to add our as a collaborator of your app? and indicate on what page this workflow is created and the use case flow. That will allow us to check what’s wrong with your setup and test it out in our workspace.

Enter your Bubble editor page → Settings → “Collaboration” tab → Invite a user (email).

(Note: disregard the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.)

I will check your setup and do a few tests in an attempt to find the root cause and help you fix it.
In case it is ok for you, please let me know.


@Serg I invited you as collaborator. I will send you a direct message with the required infos. Appreciate.

@Serg Ok I managed to subscribe the user to plan with “Create Session” and SCA checkout. The seller ID as static value was needed in the SCA workflow module.

But in my marketplace I also have split payment products where Seller sell to customers and I charge a platform fee.

Until now I could make it work with creating a token to create a sellers card_id and than I needed to “Link a customer to a seller” and “Seller charge a customer” and for that the card_id was always needed.

BUT with this procedure I was not able to use the Stripe designed checkout page AND I could not use SCA.

Question 1: ist there a way to add “SCA Checkout” after “Seller charge a customer” or is SCA checkout only working with “Create a Session”?

Question 2: Can I only really do split payments with the above procedure of creating a card_id and linking customer and seller or can I also create split payment with “Create a session” ? Because if this is possible than I can safe all the hazzle with creating a card_id PLUS I could use SCA confirmation also for split payments.

The “Create a session” has all the fields to initiate a split payment or not? And it is not asking for a card_id. It is just collecting the CC from the user in the Stripe checkout.

Because my current workflow is collecting a split payment correctly but it is failing at Stripe because it has no SCA.

This is how it looks:

Is it possible to add SCA to this workflow? I really need SCA here.

Hi @norman, sorry for no news so far (described case is pretty complex so required a bit of additional time).

These questions are passed to the developer team for research. I will let you know asap once any feedback will become available.

Thank you for understanding :pray:


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Hi @norman, thanks for your patience.

Here are the answers to above-mentioned questions:

SCA Checkout can be used only after Create session, as it gets the session ID.

We have pushed a plugin update, that has added a new action that allows split payments, also giving related custom states.

To check changes, please upgrade your plugin to the latest version (Version 1.54.0: Added “Creating separate charges and transfers” action and fixed “Create Subscription & Update Subscription” actions) and give it a try.

Check the example of the split payment use case and more info here: Creating separate charges and transfers | Stripe Documentation

Please note that by Stripe policies, split payments are available only in following regions:
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the U.S.

Hope the shared news will help you. In case there will be any other questions that I can help with, please let me know.


Awesome !!! Thanks a lot!!