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How to keep third party image links up to date

Hi folks! I’m using the Zeroqode Meta Tags, URL & Link Preview plugin to great effect to auto-fill a post for my users from a link they input, but have recently run into the issue that randomly some of the images I thought I was saving to the database from the plugin action have gone missing from the database, leaving only a broken image icon in their place.

I mistakenly thought this was a Bubble bug, reported it as such, and Bubble is investigating the issue, but as I continued my search for answers I found this thread on the Bubble forums which helped me understand that I may not actually be saving images to my database, but rather just a reference to the image being hosted elsewhere, which obviously makes it vulnerable to being purged: Images keep disappearing - Bugs - Bubble Forum

So now I’m almost certain this is what has been happening, and I think what I need to do is find a way to re-run the plugin whenever an image being loaded to the page is broken, to get a new URL Preview image from the Post’s source link (which is also saved to the Post data type.) I’m still a bit of a Bubble newbie, and this seems like an advanced subject I figured I should request some help with.

I’m asking here, because I thought maybe Zeroqode team or customers are more familiar with how the plugin is retrieving the image in the first place. Any suggestions?

Hello @laurie1 ,
Thank you for reaching out. :slightly_smiling_face:

So now I’m almost certain this is what has been happening, and I think what I need to do is find a way to re-run the plugin whenever an image being loaded to the page is broken, to get a new URL Preview image from the Post’s source link (which is also saved to the Post data type.) I’m still a bit of a Bubble newbie, and this seems like an advanced subject I figured I should request some help with.

Unfortunately, the functionality to detect when an image being loaded to the page is broken is not supported by our plugin. This specific feature requires a different set of capabilities that our plugin does not cover.

However, I recommend exploring other plugins on the Bubble marketplace that might offer this functionality.

If you have any other plugin-related questions, feel free to reach out to us.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Hi and thank you Vasile! Please allow me to clarify that I was not asking about a feature of the plugin, but rather I’m wondering if anyone who is familiar with the method of saving images to the database that I am using (which I am retrieving with your plugin) could help point me in the right direction to figure out how to detect when the image reference has broken.

I did ask on the Bubble forums, but those users are not familiar with the plugin, mistakenly assumed I was asking for help with the plugin, and did not have any ideas for how to help.

They did help me figure out one thing, that I could theoretically save images to my File Manager by adding :saved to S3 in my workflows, but I do not actually want to be saving every image to my File Manager. I would just like help to think of some method (maybe a backend workflow) that could check for broken image references and re-run the plugin and change the database thing if it finds any.

Thank you so much for your time!

Hello @laurie1 ,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

We discussed this question in more detail with our team, and unfortunately, we are not aware of a method to achieve the functionality you are seeking.

We recommend either conducting further investigations on your own or considering the option of hiring a professional Bubble dev who can offer more specialized guidance on this matter.

While this request is outside the scope of our support duties, we are sorry that we can’t provide with more assistance here.

However, please know that we are ready ot help with any questions or issues related to our plugins.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

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