Services Plugins FAQs

How to reset the Emoji Picker

Hello there,

I’m trying to use the Emoji Picker plugin (, and it’s working great!

I have a popup to edit a category, where I can change the title, image and emoji.
The ID of the emoji picker and emoji etc includes the category unique ID.

When I click on a button to edit the category, the popup with all the associated data is opened.

My issue: If I select an emoji and close the popup, then open the popup for a different category, the same emoji is already selected.
I tried to use the “reset data/group” action when opening a popup, but it’s not working…

Any idea how I could achieve this by chance?

Thanks! :smiley:

I fixed the issue by using custom states, but that would be great to have a Reset action in workflows. :smiley:

Hello @christophe.asselinde,

Thanks for your message.

We’re glad to hear that you were able to resolve your previous inquiry with the Emoji Picker plugin and appreciate your suggestion for a “Reset” action in workflows.

To better understand your experience and how we might implement your suggestion, could you share more details about the challenge you encountered and your workaround using custom states, also if you could give some more details on how exactly you would like the new “Reset” action to look like? A video or detailed description would greatly help us. :pray:

Gathering this information will allow us to fully grasp your needs and explore the feasibility of incorporating such a feature in future updates of the plugin.

Thank you for your proactive approach and willingness to help us improve. Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

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Hey Stephan,
Thanks for your message!

So I have a repeating group with a list of things and each of them have a button at the right to open a popup in order to change the thing’s title and emoji.
When I click on the button, it opens up the popup and populates the current thing’s data in the popup so I can see the correct title and emoji.
When I click on a placeholder text, the emoji picker is showing so I can select the new emoji I want to use. Then I click on save so I save the emoji to the thing in my data.

After that, if I want to edit another thing, I click on the edit button again and the popup is opening again.
That’s where the issue is: Opening the edit popup again shows the same emoji I picked previously instead of showing nothing for example, even if I didn’t select another emoji yet.

The emoji is showing because the placeholder has this condition: If the emoji picker has an emoji selected, then show the emoji, but if no emoji is selected then show the text “select an emoji”. And there is no action to reset the emoji picker, so when we pick an emoji it keeps this emoji selected.

When I click on the edit button, these actions are followed:

  1. Show popup
  2. Reset popup because I want to be sure to remove all data from the previous thing
  3. Display Data for the current thing I want to edit

I wanted to be able to add an action after those that “resets the emoji picker”

My workaround with custom state is this one:
When opening the popup, after displaying data for the current thing, I also sets a state called “emoji” with a type of “text” as blank on this popup. (so this state is blank)

So now, the default emoji is empty because the emoji showing in the popup is the one saved in this state, and as every time I open the popup the state is reset, I’m not having the issue I described before where I always see the emoji even if this thing shouldn’t have any selected yet.

And I have another workflow that sets the emoji in the state when an emoji is selected.

Sorry for not sharing a video or photos, but I tried to describe it as best as I can so I hope this helps! :slight_smile:


Hello @christophe.asselinde,

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with a description of the issue you’re encountering. Your detailed explanation is valuable as it helps us understand the scenario you’re facing, even though we recognize that describing such workflows in text can sometimes be challenging.

To assist you more effectively, would it be possible for you to share some screenshots or screencast of the issue? Visuals could greatly aid in pinpointing the exact problem and in providing you with a more precise solution. Specifically, screenshots of the following would be incredibly helpful:

  1. The EmojiPicker element settings.
  2. The popup before and after the emoji is selected.
  3. The workflow configuration, especially the actions related to showing the popup, resetting it, and displaying data for the current thing.
  4. Any custom states or actions you’ve set up as part of your workaround.

Additionally, if possible, a step-by-step video starting from the moment you open the page, select an emoji, and follow through the process you’ve described would be invaluable.

This visual journey through your experience will enable us to better understand the behavior you’re experiencing and find any underlying cause.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to your response. Please let us know if there’s any other way we can assist. :pray:

Best regards,