Services Plugins FAQs

How to stay connected to Google OAuth - Google Calendar plus Offline Plugin?

Hi there,

Is there a tutorial to show how I can stay connected to Google Oauth, after the first connection to Google? The documentation pages does now show how to.

I am using Google Calendar plus Offline Plugin and after reviewing the plugin example editor, I cannot find anywhere how that plugin refresh token and keeps the user connected to Google and does not expire after 1 hour.

Much appreciated.

Thanks, Edwin

Hello @edwintwx ,
Thank you for contacting us.

I wanted to provide you with some guidance on maintaining a stable connection with Google OAuth for your application.

To ensure that your token remains valid and is automatically refreshed, it’s crucial to follow the instructions outlined in the Setup Guide available at Zeroqode Documentation. Please pay particular attention to enabling the specific checkbox mentioned in the guide (refer to Screenshot)

After you complete all the necessary steps in the Setup Guide, you will receive an authorization code. It is important to exchange this code for both ‘refresh’ and ‘access’ tokens. You can do this by using the designated button action described in the guide. Please also make sure to utilize the Auto-refresh token feature for seamless operation (see Screenshot)

These steps are crucial to ensure uninterrupted access and functionality of your application with Google OAuth.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask.


Thanks, @AntonZ for the guide.

I did that and saving the refresh token is only possible manually for me (a single user).

How do I do the same for all other users accessing the bubble app?

After I sign out of the main bubble app I am building, the Google connection also does not stay connected, as the user has “signed out”.

Is there a way to disconnect Google Oauth, but stay connected in the main bubble app?
Is there a way to logout of main bubble app, but still stay conencted to Google Oauth?

Hello @edwintwx ,
Thank you for your quick reply.

We have passed this information to the development team, they will check it and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for understanding.


Our developers have carefully analyzed your ideas and I am sorry to inform you that the plugin you are using does not support the ability to express all your thoughts or considerations.

We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Please let me know if I can help you in any other way.

Best Regards,