Services Plugins FAQs

HTML Encoding Difficulties

I’m using the Encode Decode problem and am having trouble converting very basic bits of HTML, e.g. converting & to &, or " to ".

Am I missing something, or does this plugin not support this functionality?

Hello @macklpgr

Can you please provide more details, regarding the issue like screenshots of workflow setup, errors etc with steps to reproduce the issue?
So we can help you better.

Sure thing @Dumitru .

I have a text element which is just “& amp ;” (with spaces removed). I have an auto-decoder next to it which is set to decode it, and another text element set to display that auto-decoder’s output.

I’m probably doing something v silly, but have tried a ton of different options to try and get it to work.

Hello @macklpgr

Thanks for the info, however I’m still lost here what exactly you’re doing.
As I said, some screenshots / video, steps to reproduce etc. would help us better.
Are trying to hash this bits of info, or are you trying to encode them using a algorithm?


Hey @Dumitru, I’m literally just trying to turn & amp ; (without spaces) into &. The context shouldn’t be that important unless I’m missing something? Is this possible please?


The plugin Encodes/Decodes via different methods. So if something from this does not not work, we’ll provide support and fixing, however there if there are things out of scope, I’m afraid it is not possible.
Currently Supports:

  • AES
  • HS265 JWT
  • HMAC-SAH256
  • BASE64
  • URL Encoding
  • Escaping

Thanks for understanding.