Services Plugins FAQs

I don't know how to make advertising revenue

I’m using Remotor.

How do I add ad revenue to this template?

Hi @ynfms767,

Thanks for using our products.

We cannot provide exact solutions on this matter, because it implies template customization and really depends on your project requirements, but you can add ad revenue to your project by using some plugins like Google Analytics, or build your own APIs by using Bubble’s API Connector plugin.

You can find all available plugins on Bubble’s marketplace here.

Remoter documentation can be found here.

And if you need some more help with SEO and perhaps some concrete solutions, you can always post a request here or search for existing threads.


Thank you very much. It was helpful just to know that it is set in the plug-in. 「

Thank you very much.
Ads still can’t be set.
I’ve also tried a plug-in called Google Auto Ads,
but it doesn’t work at all. In this case, anything has improved,
even if it is an affiliate or an admob.
It would be helpful if you could help me.


PS: I don’t know how to do SEO, so it would be helpful if you could tell me.

Hi @ynfms767,

Thanks for feedback. Sorry but we cannot provide exact solutions for template customizations and adding features you’re looking for, as this is beyond our support services. I can only suggest you posting your request here instead -

Thanks for understanding.

I’m sorry. I was going to post it on bubble forum. I will post it againm(__)m

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