Hi Dorel
Yes, so I am using “Image Compressor and Uploader” plugin within an image uploader reusable element (multimageuploader_compress), and I am then using this multimageuploader_compress reusable within several subsequent reusable popups (checklist A, checklist B etc).
The issue that I am experiencing, is that if I open my application and open Checklist A, I can successfully use multimageuploader_compress to upload images. If I then try open Checklist B (without refreshing), multimageuploader_compress fails to function.
I narrowed down the “issue” by placing two instances of multimageuploader_compress within Checklist A. What I then identified is that which ever multimageuploader_compress I use FIRST is the one that “works” and “records” the images. I have tried reseting the Compress A element and the resuable, but neither is allowing me to use the two multimageuploader_compress elements independently. In my opinion, they are SEPARATE elements, and shouldn’t be related / linked at all.
I hope this is clear. Is the only way to share a recording to make a public loom recording?