Hi, I noticed that when using the Agora plugin for a conference, a participant’s video disappears completely when they turn off their camera. This can be confusing for others, as it makes it seem like the user has left the conference when they are actually still present.
Here’s a demonstration of the issue. I’m turning off my camera and my camera is hiding but I am still participant in the conference: Screen capture - 5f6716d9ccb74152ee9117f088adfe34 - Gyazo
Another suggestion is to provide an option to place the Agora element inside the remote-users group. Currently, the Agora element is positioned outside of the remote-users group, which means I have to manage responsiveness separately for both. This is quite a hassle since I want them to share the same responsive behavior and dimensions. Making the Agora element a child of the remote-users group would be extremely helpful and shouldn’t be too difficult to implement. See the screenshot for reference on what I’m trying to achieve:
Agora element when placed outside of the remote-users group (how it currently is):
When placed outside of the remote-users group: