Services Plugins FAQs

Initial value field in AWS File uploader

Is there a way to set initial value in AWS File uploader? Just like we have in bubble’s native file uploader.

Hello @alan,

I am afraid the AWS File uploader plugin doesn’t have the functionality that would allow setting the initial value.

Best Regards,

Hi @alex.grimacovschi, is Zeroqode planning to introduce this feature in AWS uploader anytime soon? This is one supercritical feature to have in file uploaders, as it helps in viewing and updating the existing images/videos/files.

Also, I observed other fileuploader plugins by Zeroqode have this feature. It will be really helpful if you can incorporate the same in AWS Fieuploader as well.

Currently, we didn’t plan the integration of this functionality. We do understand that this feature can be useful for our users but unfortunately, considering our workload at the moment I am afraid this feature will not be implemented anytime soon.

Hope for your understanding!

Best Regards,

Hi @alan,

I’m reaching out to notify we added the feature to set initial value for AWS uploader. Also, you are able to use an exposed state for initial value and use the new event when initial value is set.


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