Services Plugins FAQs

Issue with Apple log in plug in

My developer completed all necessary steps in documentation for this plug in but there is a bug or issue with it.

I have not been able to sign in since purchasing the plug in.

I have attached images:
first image is the “endpoint setups”
second image is the “workflow action of Sign In with Apple button”
third image is how the “error on preview”

So basically the issue is when we try to sign in for the first time it gives that error

Can anyone fix this or help me please?

Hi @garethpdowney,

Thanks for sharing more details. At this point:

You need to hit Detect data and leave it waiting, then preview your app and try to sign in for the first time, so it will actually detect the data and you’ll see these fields appear in the detecting popup:

And then you should save it and don’t forget to remove “/initialize” from redirect url. Then simply follow the docs instructions.


Just tried it, and this is what still shows on the preview?

Thanks @garethpdowney for feedback.

Perhaps this thread reply will help - 🍏 Sign in with Apple - New Plugin from Zeroqode with a couple of instructions.

And please make sure you are using the appropriate configurations with your Keys in the Plugins tab. :pray:

I’m not sure whether the documentation changed but I cant seem to locate this identifier and everytime I try to create one they say I need an App ID.When i try to create an app ID I run into erros

Hello, @sabirriley
Thanks for reaching out.

Please follow this link to find the updated instruction to configure the plugin correctly into your application: Setup Guide - Zeroqode Documentation

You must have a developer account at Apple to interact with the plugin. Create your development account here:

See the instructions on how to set your own Apple Developer Account up until you reach this section.

Then go to Account → Certificates, IDs and Profiles → Keys → [your key name] and locate the Key ID .

Sometimes, the Key ID might not be fully copied. Please make sure the full Key ID value is copied properly.

Please try all these steps and let me know if your attempt was successful.
In case you faced some issues - please describe them in more detail and let us know on which step the issue appeared.

Best regards,

I already got past that part,now am getting a code 400 in my URL after setting up the sign in
Not sure whats the problem.
The plugin goes to apple,a user can choose their account but once back in bubble not sure what’s the problem

Here is what I get
Impacks Reusable Cups)%0A%20%20%20%20at%20eval%20(eval%20at%20build_function%20(%2Fvar%2Ftask%2Findex.js%3A72%3A21)%2C%20%3Canonymous%3E%3A52%3A32)%0A%20%20%20%20at%20Object.async_fn%20%5Bas%20async%5D%20(%2Fvar%2Ftask%2Findex.js%3A293%3A13)%0A%20%20%20%20at%20eval%20(eval%20at%20build_function%20(%2Fvar%2Ftask%2Findex.js%3A72%3A21)%2C%20%3Canonymous%3E%3A50%3A20)%0A%20%20%20%20at%20%2Fvar%2Ftask%2Findex.js%3A335%3A23&code=400

Thanks for the details.

I’m afraid that these details are not enough to investigate the issue and provide you a workable solution.
Can you please provide us the following information:

  • error screenshots from debugger and browser console;

  • on which steps of configuration the plugin you faced the issue;

  • screenshots of your current settings for the plugin;

We are really willing to help you, thus we are looking to hear you soon.
Best regards,