Services Plugins FAQs

Jobly connect with stripe and take payments


I’m having a difficulty figuring out how to set up Jobly and Stripe and start receiving payments from clients for services.

I have only 1 Stripe account that in “real-life” is collecting payments from customers. So here is the deal:
a) As Jobly template admin - I need to set up and connect Stripe to the template (Connect). I’ve done that.
b) Now in order to provide a booking platform experience to my clients (in real life) I needed to create a company/organisation in Jobly template and operate service that way- I’ve done that.
c) This company (MyHomeLovely) now needs to connect its Stripe account in Settings>Payment in order to show Pay now button to clients and facilitate payments. As I said I only have 1 Stripe account and when I try to connect it I get a message that this Stripe account can’t connect to itself. It offers an option to create a new stripe account.

Don’t think I will be able to figure this one out. What do I do?

@alexandru would appreciate your input here? Many thanks!

Hi @myhomelovelyuk, thanks for reaching out.
Apologies for the late reply and allow me to do it behalf of my colleague.

Upon your question, kindly consider the option of creating an additional Stripe account (within your main account).
This way, each account within the main one will have its own public information, to accurately describe your business and payments.
Please see the reference link here:

As an alternative, knowing that the template is fully customizable, you can also consider two more options (corresponding Bubble skills are required):

  • being the app owner/admin, you can create a separate pricing plan which will not contain taxes for companies and assign it only to your own company.

  • you can add your own company email as an exception to the payment workflow/billing, in order not to be charged for the subscription plan. To do so, you need within Editor to find the “Backend workflows” / Endpoint renew, and add your company mail as an exception. Please see the reference here:

N.B. Before making any major changes within the app, we would recommend creating a savepoint, that will allow in case of any unexpected consequences - to rollback your app to a previous state. Please see the image here:

Please consider these suggestions as probable solutions for your use case, that require testing and proving.

Hope it helps.


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Thanks @Serg for your reply and additional avenues. I already was considering 2nd Stripe account, but not sure if I want to go with that.


Dear @myhomelovelyuk, you’re welcome!
In case if other template related questions will appear, you know where to find us :slight_smile:

Thank you and have a nice day!


Hi Serg,

I’m successfully set up with Stripe and I can complete the payment flow as a customer and payments are recorded in Stripe dashboard. Yay!

However, payments and statuses were not recorded in the app. I fixed the workflow to update the invoice status and that is showing correctly, but I think the entire workflow when paying AS A CUSTOMER omitted to update the invoice, to create payment, transaction and other things. It seems to work properly when admin collects a payment from the customer.

Also every time the customer pays an invoice - Stripe makes duplicate customer (with same cc details and same email).
If you could check that on your side and tell me if I can get any help on this?

Paying as a customer:

Collecting a payment as admin:

Many thanks,

While waiting for some help on the above. Another question came up that I can’t find an answer in docs or the workflows: How do Recurring payments work? How does the app collect recurring payments from the customer, as we can set a job to be a recurring? If an admin collects a payment it can not be a credit card payment (options are Cash and Bank Account). Do I need to create subscriptions in Stripe first or the app takes the job data from the app and creates new subscription in Stripe? When are the customers charged for these subscriptions?

Can you expand/show some workflows no these questions please?

Many thanks!

Hi @myhomelovelyuk, glad to hear that it worked with Stripe.

In regard to your new inquires, allow us to analyze the issue and check on our side for clarification or any possible solution.
We will come back in due course.


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Hi @myhomelovelyuk, thanks for your patience.

As there are many questions to be replied to, allow me to provide responses one by one.

Kindly note that all payments are available both for the owner (in Customers/Particular customer preview) and customer (on his profile), also being available on the app Editor page - Data - App Data - All payment related categories.

Kindly note that the Customer is the invoice receiving party, so by default template logic he shouldn’t influence the issued invoice. Of course, you can adjust/modify the workflow login, in order to add additional options to the payment process.

Could you please add more details to this issue? I mean, the preconditions (related element settings and workflow), for reproducing this issue. A Loom video record of reproducing your issue would be also great.

To check the current setting of the Recurring payment workflow, please select the “Backend workflows”, and check the “Renew” workflow

Hope it helps.


Hi Serg,

Thanks for your reply.

What I was saying is that the payments on the invoices that customer (not App’s customer but App’s customer’s customer) pays are not recorded in the database. I will refer to that customer as Client. So if I am a cleaning company and I am using this App to book and organise my Clients - I will send them an invoice after the job, they will pay the invoice, Stripe will record the payment but the App’s database does not record an update to the invoice status, it does not create a payment, transaction, balance change and other things. Do you understand my point? It works if the owner of cleaning company collects the payment (records all necessary things).

Anyway - while waiting I fixed that as well by adding things to the workflow. It now records a transaction, payment, invoice status changes, balance, etc. The outstanding balance on the dashboard is shown correctly as well.

Sure, I will record a video for you of how Stripe creates a duplicate customer every time that customer pays an invoice.

In regards to recurring payments- I asked about the client (of a cleaning company). How do the recurring payments work for them. You pointed me to App’s customer plan renewal. I am interested
to know (as this is nowhere to find in workflows or documentation since it’s using a plugin) how does a recurring payment work for a client. Here is a Use case:

  • I am a cleaning company, I have a client that is signed up to weekly cleaning service that costs 150$

How does this recurring payment workflow works and when? So that I know what to do with it.

:slight_smile: so many questions. When we solve this maybe you should add some of it to the documentation.


Hi @myhomelovelyuk, thanks for the reply.

My fault that didn’t understand your request right from the beginning.

First of all, please be sure that the current user profile from which you would like to register a new payment, has a corresponding level of access (4,5) to the app functionality because some app buttons have a related condition, for example:

Then, please go to “Customers” - Select a particular customer - “Actions” - “Create a new job” - Fill it in accordance with the instruction mentioned in supporting documentation (see the “Job” section)
As for recurring payments related workflows, please check the “Backend workflows” tab of the App editor page, namely those that starts with “new_visits”

Hope it helps.
