Services Plugins FAQs

ListingPro Template

Has anyone used this template? If so can you tell me if users (other than the owner) can update their own information and if this can be included in an existing website?

yes, users can add and update listings, once the user signs up, they can click on “add listing” button and then add all the details about the listing, see the screenshot below, you can try doing this through the preview link here
Nor sure what you mean to include in an existing website, can you please explain?

Great about the users. I would like to add this as a page in my website, the last page. Does it need to be a stand alone website?

How many levels can you use for the directory? For example if I wanted to break it down to countries/states/names would this work in the dropdown?

Our templates are standalone web apps (Websites) but there are 2 ways how to integrate it into your existing website:

  1. you can make a page on your website (for example and put an iframe there which will be pointing to the template’s url
  2. host the template on a subdomain like this
    do you think one of these solutions could work for you?

@aussie77777 with modifications it will be possible

What would that mod cost or is it something I would have to learn to mod. .? Also if I want the directory to sit as a menu option for a larger site. ? Like a zerocode airbnb style one would I need to do what you suggested above and setup as a subdomain? still sussing out bubble as it isn’t clear what controls, I have… ie ftp, subdomains etc as we want multiple templates in use the one site…

you can either learn to modify yourself or have us (or other bubble developers modify it for you) As for the cost we’d need to discuss the detailed list of modifications to give you an estimate. If you want many templates to be part of one site then the best way to be to host them on subdomains of that site. You can signup with Bubble for free, then install one of our free templates to play around and to see what you can control and configure with Bubble. Also a good source of answers/information is and of course
please let me know if you have any other questions, thanks!