Services Plugins FAQs

Loaing spinner - getting $jscomp is not defined error


I’m using bubble v6 and am getting the error below when i try to use the loading spinner plugin:

The plugin Loading Spinner / element Loading Spinner threw the following error: ReferenceError: $jscomp is not defined
at k (PLUGIN_Loading-Spinner-update–Loading-Spinner-.js:3:43)
at eval (PLUGIN_Loading-Spinner-update–Loading-Spinner-.js:17:197) (please report this to the plugin author)

My spinner element is set up with the default values and i am using a simple animate call in my workflow. Please let me know what i’m doing wrong or ir this is a issue (i’ve seen other posts referencing the jscomp error which have ended up being bubble backedn issues, so was wondering if that’s the case here.

Hi @david4, unfortunately, this issue is not reproducing on our side. Without knowing more about your settings, I can give a hint that might help. You can check our demo editor here to make sure the plugin is used properly. However, if you experience the same or other errors, please share more details like what you are trying to accomplish with it, screenshots/screencast of your app and workflow when error is triggered, console logs of your browser and OS you are using. This way, we can better investigate and get back with a reply asap. Thank you.