Services Plugins FAQs

Map route is not showing

run_debug.js:587 Action Get HERE route Leafymap A - The plugin Leafy Maps / action Get HERE route a Leafy map threw the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘getHereRoute’)
at eval (PLUGIN_1562697922620x934462587697889300/Leafy-Maps-element_action–Leafy-map-Get-HERE-route-.js:3:23)
at run_debug_js/741c873e95a67b4e51f4ed525d034644f73953b97040bd7b91915c41364a17fc/xfalse/x14/run_debug.js:588:651 (please report this to the plugin author)

May I know what HERE Api version you are using for map routing?
I think you are not using latest version V8 and that is why my API is not working and giving this error.

Hello @ankitrajeshbansal,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We are pleased to inform you that Zeroqode has recently acquired the Leafy Maps plugin and we are currently working on its enhancements. I can confirm that it currently utilizes API version 7.2, which, despite being somewhat older, offers a robust set of features.

To help us better understand the error message you encountered, could you please provide more details about your use-case? Specifically, how you have configured the “Get HERE route” action and what exactly you mean by “your API”. Additionally, please share screenshots or screencasts showing how the error message appears and how you have set the workflow, this would greatly assist us in identifying and addressing any potential issues with the plugin.

Thank you once again. I look forward to your detailed response.

Best regards,

Thanks for your quick response.

I have shared some screenshots, I Hope that will work to understand the issue. “Your API” means to say, I just wanted to know what exact HERE API version you are using in LeafyMap plugin.

Hello @ankitrajeshbansal,

Thank you for your message.

Yes, the current version of the HERE API used in the plugin is 7.2. We attempted to reproduce the issue you’re experiencing but were unable to do so on our end. To further troubleshoot, could you please provide screenshots of how you have set the action “Show map on Leafymap”? The issue might be occurring because the map is not correctly initialized. Also please let us know which device and browser are you using, have you tried opening it on other devices as well?

Thank you again, and I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Is there any posobility to upgrade HERE Api v8. Because 7.2 and older HERE API is not supported for new API keys generated by the HERE Platform.

Hello @ankitrajeshbansal ,

Thank you for your message and suggestions.

I have forwarded your input to the dev team, and it will be included in our plan for future updates. We will notify you promptly when there is an update to the HERE API version 8, hoever we can’t give you currently a timeline when such an improvement would take place.

If there is anything else we can assist you with, please let me know. :pray:

Thanks again, and have a great weekend ahead!

Best regards,

Hello @ankitrajeshbansal ,

I hope this message finds you well.

I’m writing to update you on the latest enhancements to the Leafy Maps plugin. Based on your previous feedback, we’ve updated all the HERE API calls within the plugin to the most recent versions—for routing from v7 to v8, and for geocoding from v6 to v7. We’ve thoroughly tested these to ensure everything function seamlessly with the new updates.

Additionally, we’ve updated and added field docs for all actions and calls present in the plugin, aligning with our roadmap to improve Leafy Maps plugin. Expect more updates in the future.

Could you please try using the updated HERE API functionalities in the plugin and let me know how they are working for you? Your feedback is invaluable to us.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention. I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,