Services Plugins FAQs

MapBox Dynamic Icons

How can i add a list of icons with a dynamic icon based on the item its self?

Hi! I have the same problem as well. Can one of the admin please explain?

On page load, I hope to load a list of markers onto the mapbox map. The list of markers is a list of objects each with its own field for icon marker image. It may be different depending on category. Is there a way to dynamically insert the icon image for each marker while adding a list of markers?

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Hi @rcrawford & @delin91, thanks for reaching out.

Unfortunately, the current plugin functionality does not allow setting a unique icon to the list of different markers.
It is possible only to assign a common icon to all markers you are showing on the map, using the “Add list of markers” action. Sorry for that inconvenience.

We will check how feasible it will be to add the requested feature to the future plugin update, thank you for suggesting it.

The investigation might take some time so please be patient.

Thank you for understanding


Okay can i get a refund?

Because there’s other plugins that do that and that’s what I need

Can you tell which other plugin allows you to do this because I need this function too.

Dear @rcrawford & @delin9, kindly note that we currently prepare a major update for this plugin, which will extend it’s functionality, and hopefully it will include the required feature as well. It might take some time, so I count on your understanding and patience.

As for refund: all the Template and Plugin sales go through Bubble marketplace so we cannot influence or make a refund, unfortunately. As a matter of fact, there are no refunds on the purchase of these items as well.

But anyway, would be better to contact them directly on and describe your case, they are quite responsive and believe can help you.

Hope it helps.


You had me for a second when I saw the update lol
I’m going to stick with this one because of the ability to use custom basemaps.
If there’s any way for it to be expedited please do so; we’re using this as an in Fire Station alerting system to let our guys know where the call is and where other units are.

Ok. I look forward to this major update soon! Thank you

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Dear @rcrawford & @delin9, thanks for your patience.
It has been a while since my last message.

We have pushed a plugin update, that has added new features (add various icons for the marker list, add a heatmap layer, add a description for any marker, and more).

To check changes, please upgrade your plugin to the latest version (Added new features) and give it a try.


Okay, was the ability to update lat & lon added?

Thank you for the update Serg. I will see if this update solves my earlier issue.

I do have another issue that is not possible on plugin rn. Can you create a way to edit the level of detail on the map or force the markers that are added to be there all the time irregardless of the zoom level.

My problem is if I add a bunch of markers in close geographic proximity, when I zoom out only one of the markers stays and the other markers are hidden because of it overlaps with other map details.

This can be very disorienting for users.

Dear @rcrawford & @delin9, thanks for your questions.

Not yet, the developer team needs to estimate how feasible it will be to add the requested feature to the future plugin update.

We will check how feasible it will be to add the requested feature to the future plugin update, thank you for suggesting it.

Please provide more details, that will allow us to analyze and see what can we do in this regard.
