Hi Zerocode
I have an app: www.storypilot.io, where I want to show a group when Cluster Is Clicked (clicking an marker) and showing a group when Map Is Clicked (clicking outside a cluster marker, on the map)
Currently, both events are fired clicking the marker, showing 2 both groups. This should not happen as the marker is clicked, and not the map behind the marker.
Any idea on how to avoid firing the Map Is Clicked when clicking a cluster marker?
I don’t see the use case of both firing the cluster event and map clicked events. A bug?
But maybe there is a workaround till it’s fixed?
The workflow execution order is A. Map Is Clicked then B. Cluster Is Clicked. Which means, I cant disable the When Map is Clicked workflow beforehand on the Cluuster Is Clicked - which would have worked…
Maybe you can reverse the Event firing order to A. Cluster Is Clicked > B. Map Is Clicked.
See the issue in action on www.storypilot.io - click on the map and click a marker. Currently I hide the first group on Marked is Clicked, but is loaded over about 50 ms which is visible and a solution.