Services Plugins FAQs

MapBox Plugin - Various questions


How can the directions distance and duration data be returned after issuing a SetDirections to the MapBox plugin? I can obtain these values by bypassing your plugin and issuing a direct API call to MapBox, but that’s not the idea. Please advise.

How can I read out the directions details after the SetDirections call, i.e. the created polyline coordinates created by MapBox? Again, I can get these directly from the API, again not the idea :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Hello @marc3,

I appreciate your message.

Could you kindly provide us with extra screenshots that illustrate your setup and the steps in your workflow? This additional information would enhance our comprehension of your objectives and enable us to consult with the development team regarding the feasibility of the existing plugin capabilities.

Looking forward to your reply.

Hi Igor,

I am in touch with Tim to discuss custom development to extend the plugin’s capabilities.

Thank you,

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Hello @marc3,
I appreciate your update.

I’ve verified with the plugin team, and they have provided feedback to you.

Should you have any more inquiries regarding plugins, please don’t hesitate to inform me.

Best regards,