Services Plugins FAQs

Mapbox show Multiple lines

Hello @ariklevy,

Hope you’re doing great!

I’m excited to share with you the newest update for the Mapbox plugin - version 1.122.0. This update brings enhancements to the “Create Line” action, including additional fields for adding Multilines on the map. Now, you can specify Width and Color for each line you add. Also, as per your request for unique IDs for each line, the updated “source id” field will automatically assign distinct IDs. You can leave this field blank (and the plugin will assign the ID itself) or enter a prefix like “line”, and the lines will be identified in the format “line0”, “line1”, “line2”, etc.

Please update the plugin by navigating to the “Plugins” tab in your Bubble editor, selecting the Mapbox plugin, and choosing the latest version. I’m eager to hear your feedback and to assist with any questions you might have :slight_smile:

Best regards :sunflower:

Wow! This is super exciting. I can’t wait to test it out.

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Hello @ariklevy,

Hope you had a relaxing weekend :blush:

It’s great to hear that you’re excited about the new features. As mentioned earlier, I’m awaiting your feedback once you’ve had the chance to implement them in your application!

Best regards :hibiscus:

Hello @ariklevy,

Consider this message a gentle reminder of our previous conversation. Have you had a chance to explore the recent improvements? I’m looking forward to hearing whether they meet your expectations :blush:

Best regards :sunflower:

I tested this out and it works as you described, but not super helpful. The problem is that I can’t pass sourceID as a parameter. If I leave it empty, it auto creates an id for each line, but I have no way to associate that to my lines. So if a user clicks on a line, I don’t know which one it is in my database. If I pass SourceID, it give every line the same ID which is all the lineID’s separated by commas. Is there no way to pass a Source ID as an array and have it associate one ID to each line, like how all the other variables work?

Hello @ariklevy,

Thank you for your feedback :pray:

I’ve discussed with the developer when talking about your request about the possibility of assigning unique IDs “like an array”, but they indicated that incorporating it into the plugin would require a significant amount of resources that at the moment we do not have.

Could you provide more details about your use case for this feature? Understanding this will help me offer better suggestions and determine the next steps.

Best regards :hibiscus:

My use case is that lines are drawn when someone is walking using their GPS location. Then they can click on those lines and edit them. Adding pictures, notes, changing color, etc. I have this all working great with a workaround I built that just shows all the lines one by one using a loop. That way they each have a Source ID an you can therefore update the record storing the line info. oading them all at once would be nice, but I’ve found a workaround.

Hello @ariklevy,

I’m glad to hear you found a workaround :pray:

We apologize for not being able to fully support your specific use case. If you have any other requests or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here or via email at

Best of luck with your project :blush:

Best regards :sunflower: