Services Plugins FAQs

Markdown Rich Text Editor - Set background color

Hi, I just purchased the Markdown Rich Text Editor #github Plugin for Bubble + and I am struggling with what seems to be a basic issue.
My app uses a dark theme, but not completely black. when I set the background color of the editor display, it keeps displaying as black rather than the dark grey that I set in the background color.
Is there a way to overcome this issue?

Hello @amichai,

Thank you for reaching out and for your recent purchase.

I’ve tested the functionality and noticed the issue with setting the font and background color. I’ve already escalated this to our development team for further investigation and resolution. Rest assured, I will keep you updated on any progress.

In the meantime, I’d like to offer a temporary solution to bypass this issue until an update is available for the plugin:

  • First, add a small HTML element to your page—it can be as small as 1x1 px so it won’t disrupt your design.
  • Next, insert the following code into the HTML element: (image)
    .CodeMirror {
        color: #FF3333 !important;
    .EasyMDEContainer {
         background-color: #F8FF91 !important;

In this code, replace “color: #FF3333 with your preferred font color and “background-color: #F8FF91 with your desired background color.

Could you please try this workaround and let us know if it resolves the issue? Also, feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or concerns.

Thank you once again for bringing this matter to our attention. We look forward to hearing from you. :pray:

Best regards,