Services Plugins FAQs

Mouse & Element + Mouse positions wrong X

I am trying to find the coordinate of the mouse relative to a group, for that I need to know the position of the group on the page. I tried using “EndUserControls A’s Element 1 X Position” and “EndUserControls A’s Element 1 X Position” but to no avail. The X coordinate is alway 0.
I also tried to query the position on the page but this time it return 0,0.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong and would gladly like some help to this regard.

Thanks in advance

Hi @William,
Thanks for reaching out.

For the position of the group, you need to use the Queried X Page Position and Queried Y Page Position states. Here is an example setup to get a group position:

Hope it helps. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks a lot for your help I was able to make it work. I have a second question, is it possible to do the same thing but for a touchscreen? Detecting when the screen is touched and getting the coordinate of the touched point? Your other plugin requires a touch area but doesn’t return the coordinate of it.

Thanks in advance

Always welcome! @William

I suppose it can be possible. For example, when you touch a point on the screen on mobile devices, you can get the position of the point you touched with the mouse X, Y position state.

Screenshot 2022-10-13 at 16.21.41

Please try my suggestion and let me know how it’s going.