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Much Needed Feature:: SEO Plugin::: Self Rel Canonical Tag

Not sure where the blame goes, but I figure I’d bring this up. Anyone that creates an app with bubble will surely see your SEO plummet over time as you get hit with soft seo penalty for duplicate content.

Currently, any path that is requested you can enter in whatever string of characters you want and produce an https request.

This is something that needs to be resolved. I was surprised to see Bubble giving some seo things like writing a robots text file, but no default rel canonical script to canonicalize to itself. This would certainly solve the issue of randomized strings ranking for the same content on a page.

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Hi, @chadbuie!

Thanks for reaching out and apologies for slow reply!
I’m afraid we don’t have the plugin which can resolve this problem. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the exact info regarding the future possibility to create this plugin on our side. Anyway, we have taken into consideration your feedback.

Best, Julia.