Services Plugins FAQs

Multi-file uploader- auto-upload but with option to delete

Hi all,

I like to feature of having the photos auto-upload because my users are likely to miss the small “upload” icon in the top right. However, I’d like to keep the ability for the user to delete an upload. Can I have both?


Hi @jacob,

Thanks for reaching out. Our MultiUploader has the ability to both auto-upload and delete (action), but I’m afraid it would not be possible to use them at the same time. Because if you enable the Instant Upload feature:


Then you’ll not be able to have the option to delete it, logically, because it is instantly uploaded to the server.

However, this plugin comes with an action to remove the files from container if you want your users to delete the selected image.

You can find this plugin here:

And give it a try, preview its features and check its setups.


Thanks, Alexandru. Could I make a button/workflow to allow users to replace that specific image? Or erase that specific image? You could think of my application as users wanting to upload multiple photos of an airbnb room. They should be able to go back to their posting and erase an image, replace an image, or upload more.

Hi @jacob,

Yes, you are able to select multiple images and delete if you will, before actually uploading. I highly recommend you check the links above to test it out yourself and even give it a try, before purchase.

Thanks :pray: