Services Plugins FAQs

myAlerts! plugin - customize icon


I can’t find the icon that the myAlerts! plugin is using in its standard success toast.

I’m using the myAlerts! plugin which is great. I’m customizing my own toast including the icon (by referencing the font awesome name, e.g. fa fa-check-circle) and it’s working well:


However, I’d like to use this thin tick mark instead, which is the one used in the myAlerts!’ standard success toast, but I can’t find the font awesome “fa name” for it. Any idea how i can reference this icon?

Hello @42.decaen,
Thanks for reaching out, we highly appreciate your interest in our products.

In this plugin, icons are an addition. They do not work like all other icons and it is not always possible to display them, unfortunately. Therefore, you can only use the icons supported by the bubble in the custom toast. The mentioned icon is not supported, so it is not available in the list we specified in the documentation.

Apologies for not being able to help and please let me know if I can help with anything else about the plugin. :pray:t2:


Hi There - thats not entirely correct. I have a Pro license with font awesome and I can call up any icons using fa fa-icon-name convention

However the icons only ever display one time (and they are oversized). If I call the popups again they don’t work

Here’s an example

I also can’t resize them using the sizing options feature of a pro license Sizing Icons | Font Awesome Docs (which works everywhere else in Bubble. Any advice?

Thank you in advance, John

Hi @john3,
Thanks for reaching out. :slightly_smiling_face:

Unfortunately, our free plugin is not able to decode all icons to an image as the purpose of the plugin is to display text alert content. Therefore, the plugin does not support all icons and it’s not possible to display them as expected.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can try to help you with.
