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Native app suddenly only showing white screen!

bubble did do something because it worked for a short while now it went off again - this is a global issue and its on the bubble side but there seems to be no response from them

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It seems that recent changes on Bubble’s side have impacted several wrapper solutions.

We’re hoping to hear back from the Bubble team soon, and that everything will return to normal. :pray:

Link to forum post

Hi @Igor , is there any further update yet from Bubble. I find it scary that something like this is being met with so much radio silence. We have users bombarding us for updates and we have no idea what to tell them at the moment because Bubble is not saying anything or providing any updates.

Fingers crossed you have some idea on when this might be fixed?

Many Thanks


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@Igor is there any update or plan on how this will be rectified and when?

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Kind of the same situation here – I’m receiving more and more user complaints about this issue.
I’ve just sent an email with my app information to request a new build, as Igor mentioned above.
Updates on the solution and a clear timeframe would be greatly appreciated to help us manage the crisis on the user side.

Hi everyone,

We are actively working on it.

We are also awaiting updates from the Bubble team. They were able to replicate the issue on their end. It would speed up the process significantly if they could resolve the issue on their side. This would allow previously published apps to be restored, rather than having to create new rebuilds and submit them for review to Apple/Google. The review process will take a few days.

Let’s help accelerate this by pinging the Bubble team on the forum page – the more of us involved, the faster things will move.

Meanwhile, our dev team will continue to work on creating rebuilds and handling all inquiries in the order they were received.

We truly appreciate your patience as we process everything.

Thank you for your understanding – we are hopeful this will be sorted today.

More updates will be posted here. :pray:

Best regards,

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Hi everyone,

I have allowed users to use my app without creating an account, so I have about 3000 guest users who have downloaded the app and I have no email, phone number or one signal device ID to communicate what is happening with them. Do you have any suggestions how I can get in contact with these users? I am worried that with the app being down for over 24 hours they are starting to delete it.

Hi everyone,

The Bubble fix is now live, and all previous Air Native builds are fully functional again.

You can check the update here: Bubble Forum Update

Wishing you all a great Friday and a relaxing weekend ahead!
